We are celebrating sexual well-being during Sex Week 2025 from February 10-14. Check out the different events offered below – there's something for everyone! Even if you think you know it all, invite a friend and show your support to them (you might even learn a thing or two).
BYO Bouquet
- February 7 | 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Mason Hall, Wall D
- Free roses, Valentine’s Day cards, and information on healthy relationships
- Build a bouquet for yourself or someone else in your life
- Happening@Michigan
- Presented by SAPAC’s CORE (Consent, Outreach, and Relationship Education) Program
Healthy Relationships Wellness Group
- February 12 | 1:30-2:30 p.m. | Chrysler Center, room 265
- Free drop-in wellness group for students to learn more about healthy relationships
- Space to openly discuss and receive support from others while enjoying snacks!
- Registration suggested so we have enough snacks, but not required. Register here!
- Presented by Campus Mind Works and the U-M Engineering’s C.A.R.E. Center
Crip Camp
- February 12 | 6 – 8:30 p.m. | Michigan Union
- Film screening with discussion about disability and sexuality
- Learn more and register here!
- Presented by SAPAC’s FYRST Program
Healthy Hookups
Stop by to talk about healthy relationships and sexual health. You'll be able to consider and respond to the question, "What does a healthy hookup look and/or feel like for you?" You'll also be able to submit anonymous questions to be answered and posted later.
- February 10 | 3 – 5 p.m. | Shapiro Library
- February 12 | 12 – 2 p.m. | South Quad Dining Hall
- February 14 | 12 – 2 p.m. | South Quad Dining Hall
Red & Green Flags
- February 23 | 3 – 5 p.m. | UGLI
- Free coffee bar, stickers, and information on healthy relationships
- What are your red and green flags in a relationship?
- Happening@Michigan
- Presented by SAPAC’s CORE (Consent, Outreach, and Relationship Education) Program
HIV/STI Testing
Wolverine Wellness is offering expanded testing hours during Sex Week
- Monday, February 10, from noon to 4 p.m.
- Regular testing hours are Mondays from 1 – 4 p.m.
- Appointments are required; schedule online!
Spectrum Center
- Monday evenings, walk-in from 5 – 8 p.m.
- Additional sexual health and testing info
University Health Service
- Offers testing every day
- Appointments are required; make an appointment
- Go Ask Alice | A question and answer website contains a large database of questions about a variety of reproductive and health concerns.
- Therapy for Black Girls | Podcast on Sexuality
- @bedsider | Birth control support network providing accurate and honest information.
- @flotracker | Comprehensive information, expert tips and ovulation tracking for people with periods.
- @loveisrespectofficial | 24/7 information, support and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their romantic relationships.
- @plannedparenthood | Providing up-to-date, clear and medically accurate information.
- @scarleteenorg | A wealth of information, advice and support for young people about se**ality and relationships.
- @smittenkittenmn | A s*x shop for EVERYone - education, liberation, and good s*x.
- @trevorproject | Crisis intervention services and support resources for LGBTQ+ youth and their families.
- STI/HIV testing information, resources, local clinics | uhs.umich.edu/stiassess
- ObGyn Delivered | @obgyn_delivered | Podcast featuring U-M medical students and physicians
- Courses offered at U-M
- WGS 220 | Perspectives in Women's Health
- HS/WGS 404 | Gender-based Violence: From Theory to Practice
- Sexual Citizenship | Coming in Fall 2025 through LSA