Sexual Health Supplies & Services

Sexual health is an important part of overall well-being and means more than just sex and condoms. Sexual health and well-being are directly intertwined with mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being. Feeling empowered and in control of one’s own sexual well-being is crucial. The ability to have affirming, consensual, and protected sex is the groundwork for beginning to explore one’s relationship to sex and sexuality.

Harm reduction through protected sex is often a first step in sexual health. Barrier methods allow for bodily autonomy and sexual experiences with a low risk of adverse health outcomes. Furthermore, reliable access to STI and HIV testing can help limit the spread of STIs between partners and limit further progression of illness. Since many STIs are asymptomatic, testing AND barrier methods are particularly important.

At Wolverine Wellness, we offer safer sex supplies and confidential testing! 

Safer sex supplies

We have a variety of condoms, dental dams, and lubricants available at no cost for students. Stop by our office (ground floor of UHS) to discretely get your safer sex supplies during our office hours. 

If you find yourself in need outside of our business hours, safer sex supplies are available for purchase at the health and wellness vending machines on campus or a local pharmacy. You may also consider purchasing online so that your supplies are mailed directly to you. 

All latex condoms sold in the U.S. (other than "novelty condoms") are medical devices regulated by the FDA. All brands of condoms are subject to stringent quality standards, and research shows they are equally effective in preventing pregnancy and STI/HIV. 

Condom grants for residence hall staff and student organization leaders

  • If you’re a student leader, you can request condoms for your residence hall or group. We’ll put together a supply of safer sex items that you can have available for your students.
  • Make your request by filling out our Wolverine Wellness form.
  • Questions? Contact us at or call 734-763-1320.

HIV/STI testing

We offer confidential, rapid testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C, HIV, and syphilis for current U-M students on Monday afternoons. 


Appointments are required and must be made in advance. 

  • Appointments last 30-45 minutes.
  • Testing is done with a finger stick blood test.
  • Same-day results. Your results are provided at your visit and will not be part of your medical record – there’s no documentation of your results, it's just so you know your status.
  • Confidential. This service is provided by an HIV testing and prevention counselor from Unified—Vivent Health.
  • Appointments are required. Click the button below to schedule your time.

    • Please note: appointments may be canceled due to Unified’s availability. If you receive a cancellation email, please look for an alternative date to reschedule. 
    • If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know by updating the calendar invite RSVP to “No.”

Questions? Email us at

What other testing options do I have?