Mental Health & Well-being Education: Workshops and Tools

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Wolverine Wellness works with University Health & Counseling to offer mental health & well-being education and outreach. 


Wondering what self-paced tools and resources we offer — either for yourself or for discussions with peers? Explore our Well-being Toolkit.

  • The well-being toolkit provides a variety of interactive, customizable, and adaptable tools that you can use to promote a holistic and inclusive understanding of well-being 

  • For questions or concerns about the toolkit, please email

Need personalized help? Request a consultation or program. 

Use our request form to request an interactive presentation or workshop for your organization, class, or group. Please give us at least 3 weeks' notice. We prioritize requests from groups that require attendance or where students are incentivized to attend. If we cannot meet your request, we will provide a consultation about alternate tools and resources to meet your needs. 

We can provide:

  • Consultations
  • Tablings
  • Workshops
  • Well-being Academy offerings
  • Motivational Interviewing trainings
  • Panels
  • Health Equity Grant
  • Personal well-being supplies

Plan ahead. The more time you give us, the better we can meet your needs. A minimum of one month lead time is recommended. Requests are reviewed weekly, during regular hours – not including breaks and holidays.

Please allow a few days for a response. When we receive your request, we forward it to the most appropriate staff member who will email you to discuss options. This interaction is key to a successful event.

Workshop descriptions & learning outcomes

Adjusting to U-M

This workshop will explore the impacts of major life challenges and life transitions on our mental health and well-being. You will learn skills and tools to help alleviate the anxiety and keep moving forward.

Alcohol and other drugs

This workshop explores students’ relationship with alcohol and other drugs by examining their values, their “why” behind substance use, and the extent to which their behavior aligns with their values, goals, and well-being. Participants will develop strategies for less risky substance use that promote holistic well-being. Participants will also reflect on the dominant narratives around substance use that they’re exposed to, and be challenged to explore ways of connecting with each other that are more inclusive of the true continuum of experiences that exist on campus. All workshops are tailored to the specific needs and lived experiences (including the specific substances that the workshop covers) of the group requesting the workshop. We can also provide opportunities for social gatherings and connections that do not involve alcohol and other drugs.

Cultural adjustment/international student issues

This workshop will help address the challenges of adjusting to a new cultural environment, which can include adjusting to the culture of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, or the Midwest. This workshop may also focus on addressing the unique challenges of international students navigating the academic and social environment in the United States, or preparation for students who will be studying abroad. 

Eating and body image issues

This workshop will provide participants with an overview of issues related to eating disorders and body image. Participants will learn how to identify when someone may be struggling with an eating issue and what are the negative impacts of eating disorders. The workshop will then help participants learn how to approach a peer about these issues and provide information about resources available on campus. Participants may then also brainstorm ideas around creating a body-positive attitude and community within a student or peer group.

Intersectionality of well-being, identity, and equity

Participants will delve into the origins of intersectionality, distinguishing it from the concept of intersecting identities. This workshop will address the role of identity and privilege, and provide practical strategies for fostering an inclusive environment that promotes well-being for all. 

Mindfulness for wellness

Mindfulness has been recognized as a powerful tool for enhanced well-being. Mindfulness techniques are effective for coping with stress and anxiety and improving overall quality of life. This is especially important for students in a competitive, busy, and stressful academic setting. In this workshop, you will learn basic principles of mindfulness and practice a variety of ways of being in the present moment.

Positive psychology, resilience, and self-compassion

This workshop is designed to promote overall functioning and wellness through increasing resilience and self-compassion. Focusing on the tenets of Positive Psychology and Mindfulness approaches, the participants will learn ways to develop a better tolerance for distress, let go of their self-critical voices, be more compassionate to themselves and others, and to achieve a better sense of agency in their lives.

Positive psychology, resilience, and self-compassion

This workshop is designed to promote overall functioning and wellness through increasing resilience and self-compassion. Focusing on the tenets of Positive Psychology and Mindfulness approaches, the participants will learn ways to develop a better tolerance for distress, let go of their self-critical voices, be more compassionate to themselves and others, and to achieve a better sense of agency in their lives.

Procrastination and time management

Sometimes, procrastination is a lot more complicated than what people think. Explore the reasons behind procrastination and the underlying thoughts and beliefs associated with this common behavior. Identify your own reasons for putting off tasks, learn and practice tools to create realistic goals, manage time better, and reduce procrastination to increase productivity. 

Progress, not perfection

Participants will familiarize themselves with the concept of perfectionism, learning to distinguish between adaptive and maladaptive forms. They will gain an understanding of the underlying causes of perfectionism, the procrastination-perfectionism cycle, and the interplay with imposterism. Additionally, participants will recognize the importance of balance to achieve their own definition of success in college. They will also learn about resources available for continued support in managing perfectionism.

Recognizing and helping a student in distress

Learn what to look for in a friend or student who may be struggling with their mental health and how to approach that individual in a kind and constructive way. This workshop will provide tips about initiating a conversation with someone you are concerned about. Participants will also learn about resources available on campus and how to provide support and referrals to peers or students. 

Stress less

Participants will understand how stress impacts the eight dimensions of wellness and be able to describe the difference between eustress and distress. They will identify stressors in their own lives and sort these stressors into varying levels of control. Additionally, participants will learn about several short-term stress reduction strategies and discover resources and services for continued support in stress management.

Wellness package

The Wellness Package includes various presentations related to common mental health topics. This information is intended for facilitation by YOU! The presentations include facilitator/speaker notes, interactive discussions and activities, and mental health resources. In addition, the presentations are meant to be brief, 20-30 min in length. However, they can be longer based on what content/information you would like to provide to the group. If you have any questions about the materials please contact

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Well-being Toolkit

The well-being toolkit provides a variety of interactive, customizable, and adaptable tools that you can use to promote a holistic and inclusive understanding of well-being 

Wolverine Wellness Inquiry Form

Use our inquiry form to connect with us about custom presentations and workshops, training sessions, and individual support services for students.