Alcohol or Other Drug-facilitated Sexual Assault

It is not your fault

You are in charge of your body and it’s only okay for you to make choices for your body. While survivors often blame themselves in cases of drug-facilitated assault, it is not your fault. Choosing to drink or use drugs does not mean choosing to be sexually assaulted. Using drugs or alcohol is never an excuse for assault. You are not to blame.

What is alcohol or other drug-facilitated sexual assault?

Alcohol or other drug-facilitated sexual assault can occur when alcohol or other drugs are used to compromise someone’s ability to consent to sexual activity. This may result in lowered inhibitions, reduced ability to communicate consent, and inability to remember details of an assault. 

Alcohol or other drug facilitated sexual assault can look like:

  • Coercing or pressuring someone to use substances or more of a substance than they want to.
  • Not helping someone who says they’ve had too much to drink or is having a bad drug experience and needs help.
  • Engaging in sexual activity with someone who is unable to give consent because they are incapacitated intoxicated, drugged or unconscious.
  • Refusing to tell someone what’s in their drink or how much of a drug they’re ingesting.

Drug-facilitated sexual assault is a crime

It’s illegal to:

  • Drug another person without their knowledge or consent. U-M policy defines consent as “clear and unambiguous agreement expressed outwardly through mutually understandable words or actions to engage in sexual activity."
  • Engage in sexual activity with someone who is unable to give consent because they are incapacitated intoxicated, drugged or unconscious, even if they voluntarily used drugs or alcohol.

What substances can be used to facilitate sexual assault?

  • Alcohol is the most commonly used substance for drug-facilitated sexual assault. 
  • Prescription drugs like sleeping medication, anxiety medication, muscle relaxers, and tranquilizers may be used.
  • Other drugs may include rohypnol (“roofies”), GHB, GBL, ketamine, and MDMA (“ecstasy”).

Many of the substances can be added to drinks without you noticing since they don’t change the color, flavor, or smell of the drink.

How will I know if I’ve been drugged?

The signs that you’ve been drugged can vary based on the kinds of drug in your system. Here are some common warning signs that you might’ve been drugged:

  • Nausea
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Feeling drunk after consuming little or no alcohol
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Disorientation
  • Blurred vision
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty breathing

Many of these warning signs are similar to those of having too much to drink. It’s important to use Stay in the Blue strategies like pouring your own drinks and counting alcoholic drinks using standard drinks to increase the likelihood that having “just one drink” really is just one drink.

If you think you were drugged and/or sexually assaulted

First, get to a safe place. If you need a safe ride at night, see Late Night Transportation. 

Next, it’s recommended to get health care. Be sure to inform health care providers about suspected drugging so they can order appropriate tests. 

  • In an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. 
  • University Health Service (UHS) offers Sexual Assault Exams
  • You will not get in legal trouble for using alcohol or other drugs at the time of the assault. Individuals seeking health care for sexual assault are protected under Medical Amnesty in the State of Michigan.

Reporting is your choice. It is an option to report to law enforcement and to participate in U-M’s internal review process (where it applies), but you don’t have to — it’s your choice. You can have an exam and treatment without reporting. 

Seek help for any psychological and emotional effects, as desired. Free and confidential crisis intervention, support, and advocacy are available. Two campus resources are:

How to reduce risk

While the following suggestions may reduce the likelihood of experiencing sexual assault, remember that is never someone's fault for being sexually assaulted, regardless of whether they take these steps or not.


  • If you choose to consume alcohol, Stay in the Blue, know how much alcohol you’re consuming, and consider using the free app to plan how much to drink
  • Bring your own drinks if possible so that you know what you’re drinking
  • Drink from tamper-proof bottles and cans
  • Insist on making your own drink or watching when someone else makes a drink for you
  • Discard your drink if you realize it has been left unattended


  • Take drinks from people you don’t know
  • Drink beverages that you did not open yourself
  • Share or exchange drinks with anyone
  • Take a drink from a shared container like a punch bowl
  • Leave your drink unattended while talking, dancing, using the restroom or using your phone
  • Drink anything that has an unusual taste or appearance, e.g. salty taste, excessive foam, unexplained residue, odd color or texture

Watch out for your friends:

  • Always leave a party or bar together
  • If a friend seems to have had more alcohol than they actually consumed, or is acting out of character, get them to a safe place immediately
  • If you think you or a friend has been drugged, get help immediately (see recommendations above)

Interested in continuing the conversation? 

Sign up for wellness coaching for alcohol or other drug use.

Planning a program, workshop, or training? 

We offer virtual and in-person programming. Request a consultation or program or check out the Well-being Toolkit for more resources.